Saturday, October 6, 2007

Tales from the Wyman Road Build p.1

Saturday, October 6

Wyman Road, the first crossing west of the yard at Washington Jct., has been paved since 1988 with several layers. This has made the movement of maintenance equipment prohibitive by rail. These vehicles, including our Gradall and Hy-Rail dump truck, have had to be driven to to other crossings to set on which is extremely time consuming. The Trust determined that opening the crossing, which would be no small endeavor, needed to become a priority. With approximately 20 volunteers and donated light and heavy equipment, replacement of the crossing commenced first light on Saturday, October 6.


Gary Briggs and Bill Alexander supervise the removal of the first layers

2 -
Charlie Freeman directs the lift of the crossing panel

3 - Crossing panel ready for movement on the "Capy GOOO's"

4 - The panel sits east of Wyman Rd. on the "Capy GOOO's"

1 comment:

TC183 said...

This was an amazing feat. It answered the constatn questions by so many, we're we for real.

As with the entire project, it never would have been possible without the hard work of everyone in the group.

Lots more to do, but we have shown we are doing it.