Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tales from the Wyman Road Build p.2

Sunday, October 13

It had been previously determined that grinding the road back to the level of the rails would not be feasible as doing so would require several hundred feet. The Gradall began picking at the pavement, but due to the depth and the fact that in some places the pavement was in excess of 19 inches, a jackhammer would have to be used. As the pavement was removed, much of it was placed into a dump truck by hand and shovel, the larger pieces being handled by the Gradall. Following removal of the pavement within the crossing itself, the Gradall removed the old ties and rail. Another 30 inches of dirt had to be removed to prepare the bed. Layers of pavement on both crossing approaches were also removed. Rail on both sides of the crossing were cut back 100-200 feet to prepare for the stepping down from 115# to 100# and then to the 85# rail that makes up the rest of the line. Much compacting took place as measurements were taken to determine that the depth of the bed was sufficient. A new culvert under the road was laid in place and compacted.

1 - Bill Green and Gary McKinnon assist Mike Testa with the jackhammer
2- The Gradall removing asphalt
3 - Asphalt removal continues
4 - Cutting, trenching and removing
5 - Trench for the culvert is prepared

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